See My Featured Story in the Philadelphia Inquirer Jan 10, 2016

The Definition of Art: The creation of something for the specific purpose of evoking a response.

The Meaning of Life

Despair can sometimes overshadow our lives. People are essentially good, but we always seem to hear about people on their worst day doing something terrible. WHY…why do we always find ourselves staring tragedy in the face? We lament that the world is the way it is. We try to make sense of things. We persevere to be an example of hope and goodness to those we love and we try to do what good we can to cancel out the bad. It seems that we are always struggling upstream against a current that tries to defeat us or make us give up. Even when things seem to be getting better we are dealt another blow…some new struggle. It never seems to make sense. Why doesn’t anything…

The Meaning of Life

What Inspired Me?

I am an artist, it’s just that currently no one is paying me to be one. The need for new artistic challenges still surges through me. Creating is what keeps me alive. I therefore got to thinking that since I’ve made it to 50 without keeling over, perhaps a new challenge was what I needed…one to remember my past and herald in my future. Yes…that’s the ticket! After 17 years a decision to keep or get rid of the truck had to be made as it was getting costly to maintain. I decided to keep the truck…actually no choice to be made it turns out. HOWEVER, if I’m keeping the truck, I said to myself, then I’m going to have fun with it. A new rainbow truck for the new century and hopefully a new life…

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My Latest Projects

I want to spread happiness with the truck; wow you with my other cool stuff; inspire you that all is not lost with my words & usher in a new life for myself in the art world.